Custom URL links and emails not clickable
Created by: realmofevil
MantisBT Version 2.21.1, PHP 7.3, BBCode+ 2.1.10
We have added additional URL protocols in the string_api.php of mantis, like this and it works fine, the links are clickable:
$t_url_protocol = '(?:https?|s?ftp|file|irc[6s]?|ssh|telnet|nntp|git|svn(?:\+ssh)?|cvs|example):\/\/';
After installing and activating BBCode+ 2.1.10, they are no longer clickable links, even emails, only the FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS URLs seem to be working as links.
This is not ideal since we are receiving reports outside of the mantis installation, generated by integration with another program in which users don't have access to formatting codes.